library update

  1. Chang, A. (2024).  888 love and the divine burden of numbers.  2. Culinary Institute of America, The (2024).  The professional chef; 10th edition. 3. Halsey, F.W. (1914). Seeing Europe with famous authors: Great Britain and Ireland; part 1. 4. Halsey, F.W. (1914). Seeing Europe with famous authors: Great Britain and Ireland; part 2. 5. Halsey, F.W. (1914).  Seeing Europe with famous authors: France and the Netherlands; part 1. 6. Halsey, F. (1914).  Seeing Europe with famous authors: France and the Netherlands; part 2. 7. Halsey, F. (1914).  Seeing Europe with famous authors: Germany, Austria, Switzerland; part 1.  8. Halsey, F. (1914).  Seeing Europe with famous authors: Germany, Austria, Switzerland; part 2. 9. Halsey, F. (1914).  Seeing Europe with famous authors: Italy and Greece; part 1. 10. Halsey, F. (1914).  Seeing Europe with famous authors: Italy and Greece; part 2.  11. Halsey, F. (1914)....


 I’ve learned, taught, forgot, started and quit, won and lost, hated and loved.


I mind my p’s and q’s, even though the ladies’ room doesn’t ever seem to mind me nearly peeing its queue….


Snapchat. SnapBack. Aflac. Big Mac.

Track your package with OnTrac.

TicTac. Snack pack. Cyberattack.

Don’t forget to take your stimpak.


My government officials have wishlists that Veruca Salt herself couldn’t rival.

It’s no wonder everyone’s fighting for basic survival.


And I remember when those around me wanted to give me peace of mind, instead of giving me a piece of their mind…


Chris Pratt. Doormat. Non-fat. Whiplash.

Call the number on your screen now for free cash.

Grab ass. Kit-Kat. Lab rat. Smokestack.

There are some things we’ll never be able to get back.


  1. In my experience, almost any time someone has tried to give me peace of mind, they knowingly withheld information from me that they believed would disturb whatever peace they were trying to impart.

    It may have been with the best of intentions, but peace of mind only comes with the full awareness (acceptance?) of things that threaten that satisfaction.

    I *almost* always would have benefitted more from a candid conversation. Warts and all.

    In other news, Veruca Salt most definitely grew up to become a politician.

    1. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    2. As well as, potentially, a Chris Pratt Doormat, right at the front gate.

    3. Haha one can only hope -- I'll let you know for sure once I get there.

    4. Please do. "Inquiring minds," and all that sort of thing.


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