
 Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have my face crunched down into cold, white earth. What the taste of ice and blood would be like mixed together on my already acidic tongue.  Metallic. Lingering. Thick. If I'd find it in me to get up.  Blister out one more round despite it all. Or if I'd finally stay down. Drift off with the wind. Disappear into the quiet. 

Beige is Boring Acrostic (Archive)

Beige is boring, bland, and barren,

Evoking comfort for those who won't be darin'.

It's found all over, in presets and filters,

Garnered by those who can't take pictures.

Everyone knows it's where life goes to die --


Is it really that wrong to want a little color to hit my eye?

So take care to remember what next I say,


Beige is lackluster, dated, and cliche.

Originality has fled with your nude monochromatic,

Releasing instead emotions quite problematic.

I ask you again, what's so amiss with one being vivid?

No sense in neglecting the colors we've been gifted,

Glowing bright pallets are much less restrictive.


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